SGA Endorses Campus Fracking Ban, Marijuana Equalization Policy, and Asian American Studies Program in Senate Meeting
Contributed by Robert Flaherty
During their weekly meeting, the Student Government Association endorsed three proposals brought forth by student groups.
- Students for a Sensible Drug Policy brought their proposal for an equalization of college sanctions for illegal alcohol use and illegal marijuana use to the Senate. The motion was passed 14-0 with multiple abstentions.
- Frack Off brought a proposal forth that would encourage the college not to sign leases for high volume hydraulic fracturing on land that Ithaca College owns. Motion passed 14-1.
- VP Trojanov and supporters of the program brought a proposal for SGA to endorse the Asian American Studies Program at Ithaca College. The motion passed unanimously.
Student Government Association meets Wednesdays at 8:15 in the Taughannock Falls room. The Senate will not meet next week (10/19) due to fall break, but will resume on 10/26. All members of the Ithaca College community are recommended to attend and present.