In celebration of National Food Day, today, Monday, October 24th, the Ithaca College Environmental Society (ICES), the Resource and Environmental Management Program (REMP), and Slow Food Ithaca College will be holding a teach-in on sustainable food followed by a screening of the documentary "Fresh."
The teach-in will cover various aspects of eating sustainably, including choosing local, organic, vegetarian/vegan, and sustainable carnivorous options. There will be edible examples of these types of foods for your enjoyment! Some of the items on the menu include:
- Chips and salsa
- Mushroom tikka
- Vegan gluten free brownies
- Vegan apple crisp
"Fresh" celebrates local farmers, advocates, and business people that are working to reinvent our industrial food system and solve its rampant problems, such as pollution, food contamination, and obesity. For more on the film, visit
Join us at 6pm in Williams 323, and start thinking about where your food comes from and its impact on you, the environment, and communities around the world.
We ask that individuals requiring accommodations contact ICES at as soon as possible.