Friday Oct 28th
Taughannock Falls Room, Campus Center
2:00-3:00 pm
John Henry Gonzalez, co-founder of the Movimiento Campesino de Cajibio-- (Small-Scale Farmers’ Movemement of Cajibio), will be discussing the impact of the forthcoming approval of the US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement. Rural Colombians already face huge problems such as massive internal displacement (5 million people), military/paramilitary and rebel violence against peasants, labor leaders, and communities in general, and unemployment; FTA will deepen these problems.
The speaker will discuss the ways in which the MCC is mobilizing and forging alliances to present local and national alternatives to neoliberal policies and the FTA so as to prevent further displacement and violence. As one of the main voceros (‘spokespersons’) of the MCC, John Henry Gonzalez is also at the forefront of an effort to engage in dialogue with local officials to develop effective emergency responses to human rights violations. MCC works to promote a decent and dignified life for small scale farmers, with water and food security and land ownership rights.
co-sponsored by Dept. Politics and Latin American Studies minor, Ithaca College. Individuals with disabililities requiring accommodation should contact