Drop-In Flu Shot Clinics Especially for Faculty & Staff


Contributed by Mary Kranz

Fall Break is a great time for faculty and staff to take advantage of drop-in flu shot clinics at the Hammond Health Center!

The Office of Human Resources, together with the Hammond Health Center, are once again partnering to offer seasonal flu shots for all benefit eligible employees at no cost.

All Ithaca College benefit eligible employees may receive a flu shot at one of the following scheduled times and places:

These will be walk-in clinics, meaning no appointments are necessary. As we cannot predict the turn out, please plan to wait cheerfully for your turn, if necessary.  We will continue to immunize anyone who is already in line at the time the clinic is scheduled to end.

This is just the beginning...
We will be adding additional dates, times, and places in the near future.  Please continue to watch Intercom for upcoming announcements, and also remember that we'll be at the annual Benefits Fair on Wednesday, November 2nd, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m

STUDENTS:  Students are welcome to come to any of the above clinics that are being offered at the Hammond Health Center ~OR~ you may make an appointment to receive a flu shot by accessing the MyICHealthCenter portal ~OR~ by calling 607-274-3177.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Hammond Health Center at (607) 274-3177. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

