Want to learn how to collaborate perspectives and ideas? Don’t miss out on a Leading @IC session!!


Contributed by Lindsey Smith

Join us on Wednesday, November 2nd at 4pm Ithaca Falls! Liz Chabot will be presenting on how to collaborate perspectives to form a new perspective and a shared understanding!

Members of a group have a variety of individual perspectives and opinions on issues and topics. In order to be an effective organization, it can be helpful to bring together these multiple perspectives in order to create a new perspective and a shared understanding. Developing a shared sense of the organization’s goals, priorities, and challenges is an effective leadership activity.


Remember to sign up through https://orgsync.com/login/ithaca-college! Remember with pre-registration, you can receive SLI credit toward Leading @IC. 


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs at 607-274-3222.  We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.




