At its October meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the creation of three new all-College committees that will be added to the Ithaca College Policy Manual.
• The Institutional Effectiveness and Budget Committee will be responsible for developing a budget recommendation to the President and the Board of Trustees that is in alignment with the College’s strategic plans. The committee will also review the plans that are developed by such bodies as the IC 20/20 Advisory Committee, Information Technology Planning Committee, President’s Advisory Committee on Diversity, and Climate Action Plan Steering Committee.
• The Committee for College-Wide Requirements will be tasked with developing detailed recommendations regarding the new core curriculum, which will be forwarded for action to the Academic Policies Committee. More generally, this committee will review any proposals for curricular requirements that would be applied to all students regardless of the school in which they are enrolled.
• The Faculty Advisory Committee to the President will advise the president informally and confidentially on any matters that might benefit from faculty input prior to being framed as a formal proposal to the campus community. Examples of areas in which the committee’s input might be sought can include but are not limited to: strategic planning initiatives, interim appointments of academic administrators, and formulating a college response to some opportunity that may arise and that has significant implications for our academic programs.
The Board also approved the realignment of several existing committees in the Policy Manual in order to increase transparency and create a more efficient flow of communications that should enable those committees to work more effectively.
For example, the Library Committee and Academic Calendar Committee will fall under the purview of the Provost, while the Life Safety Committee and committees related to parking policy and appeals will be under the oversight of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life. The President’s Council, Administrative Assembly, and other committees whose existence had previously not been mentioned in the Policy Manual will now find their appropriate place, leading to a better understanding of the system of review, reflection, advising, and decision making that governs the College.
Details on the new committee structure can be found in Volumes 1.6 and 1.7 of the Ithaca College Policy Manual.