Christopher House, H&S Predoctoral Diversity Fellow in Communication Studies, Publishes Article Related to his U Pittsburgh  Dissertation


Contributed by Laurie Arliss

 The scholarship of Chris House, one of three predoctoral diversity fellows in the School of Humanities and Sciences, will appear in a special January 2012 volume of  the Memphis Theological Seminary Journal.  The volume focuses on rhetoric and religion.

Mr. House's contribution is titled "Standing in a Prophet's Stead:  Rhetoric, Power and HIV/AIDS."  His article raises critical questions concerning the inherent rhetorical challenges faced by religious leaders who engage in HIV/AIDS ministry given the historic backdrop of religious discourses on moral judgment against people living with HIV/AIDS.

Drawing on his ongoing dissertation research, Mr. House addresses the interrelationships between religion, rhetoric, and power.  He argues that, in an attempt to comfort those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, religious leaders must be reflexive of the privilege they embody as they prophetically articulate the experiences of those once marginalized by religious rhetorics.