Employee Benefits Re-enrollment Is Here – Be Informed!           


Contributed by Cheryl Thomason

All benefits eligible employees should have received their copy of the 2012 Re-enrollment Newsletter this week. Copies of the newsletter are also available on our re-enrollment website located at: www.ithaca.edu/hr/benefits/2012reenrollment. This website is full of resources to help you be a more informed consumer so please be sure to visit!

We’d like to draw special attention to the New Vision & Hearing Care Plan available beginning January 1, 2012. In addition to the new Vision & Hearing Plan, some of the sessions will include a review of the High Deductible Health Plan which is a medical plan that could end up saving you money.

Special hour long informational sessions are being held next week for you to learn and ask questions about these benefits.

Thursday, November 3rd: 11am*, 2:30pm*, and 5:15pm - Campus Center, Taughannock Falls Room

Thursday, November 3rd: 10pm - Textor Hall, Room 101

Friday, November 4th: 8:30am*, 12:30pm* - Campus Center, Ithaca Falls Room

* Includes information about the High Deductible Health Plan

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Deb Merriman at dmerriman@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-3851. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

