* short courses on systems thinking, synthesizing expertise, and creativity
* active hands-on learning; no lectures
* lots of fun
* the courses will help you make connections among what you are studying in different courses inside and outside your majors
* this can make learning more lasting and more useful in meeting complex real-world challenges
* courses are one credit and are graded pass/fail
ICIC 10000 Integration:Connecting the Disciplines
Section 1
Feb 3, 6 - 9PM, Feb 4, 10AM - 4PM, Feb. 5, 1 - 5PM
Nancy Jacobson & Barbara Adams
Business 206
CRN 42528
Section 2
Feb 24, 6 - 9PM, Feb 25, 10AM - 4PM, Feb. 26, 1 - 5PM
Jason Hamilton & Sean Eversley Bradwell
Business 204
CRN 42529
Section 3
April 13, 6 - 9PM, April 14, 10AM - 4PM, April 15, 1 - 5PM
Katherine Beissner & Elizabeth Simkin
Business 204
CRN 42530
ICIC 12000 Insight: Combining Expertise
Section 1: Living the Good Life: But what is it?
Monday/Wednesday 4-5:15 , Jan. 23 - Feb. 22
Nancy Jacobson & Elizabeth Simkin
CNS 117
CRN 42493
Section 2: Edges and Interfaces: Defining and transcending boundaries.
TR4-5:15, March 20 - April 19
Katherine Beissner & Nancy Menning
Business 204
CRN 42531
See www.ithaca.edu/academics/IICC
To register, select (IC)2 Integrated Curriculum, the first subject area listed in HomerConnect when you do a search for Fall 2011.