The Abayudaya Jews of Uganda


Contributed by Melinda Butler

Thursday, November 3rd at 7pm in Textor 103

Aaron Kintu Moses is a leader of the 1,000-member Abayudaya Jewish community of Uganda. Aaron will share the story of his community’s evolution, from the struggle to maintain Jewish identity in the face of persecution, to the remarkable development of ties with neighbors of different faiths.

 Aaron will give a multimedia presentation about the education, nutrition, health, and economic development programs that are supported by Kulanu, ("All of Us"), a non-profit organization which supports isolated and emerging Jewish communities around the world. He will also perform traditional Abayudaya music.

For more about the Abayudaya, visit


This event is sponsered by Hillel at Ithaca College and Temple Beth-El.

Individuals withdisabilities requiring accommodations should contact Michael Faber at We ask that requests for accomodations be made as soon as possible.