Because Communication Isn't Optional


Contributed by Heather Schuck

 Whether verbal or nonverbal, let’s face it – communication isn’t optional...


Every day we are tasked with a variety of situations where communication comes into play. How many times have you heard, “I could see it on your face” or, “Your body language speaks volumes”? How many times have you spoken off-the-cuff and then later wished you’d said something else?

Developing and honing this important skill, along with the other skills you gain in Toastmasters, will give you the confidence you need in a variety of areas, both personally and professionally.


As a result of joining Toastmasters and actively taking part, you will:

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Visit one of the upcoming Ithaca College Club meetings! They are open to all members of the Ithaca College Community. Sit in as a guest with no obligation and see if Toastmasters is the right fit for you:

Tuesday, November 8, 9-10am -- Cayuga Lake Meeting Room, Campus Center

Wednesday, November 23, 2-3pm -- Cayuga Lake Meeting Room, Campus Center

Tuesday, December 6, 9-10am -- Cayuga Lake Meeting Room, Campus Center

Wednesday, December 21, 2-3pm -- Cayuga Lake Meeting Room, Campus Center


Visit the Ithaca College Toastmasters website

Visit the Toastmasters International website



Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Heather Schuck at or (607) 274-3313. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.