Front line stories and strategies linking social justice and ecological sustainability.
Carl Anthony and Paloma Pavel
Monday Nov 14, 12-1 PM
Klingenstein Lounge Light lunch provided FREE
Social justice and ecological sustainability are increasingly an inseparable endeavor. In these economically and ecologically perilous times, supporting their convergence is essential for laying a foundation for a just and healthy world. This empowering, interactive presentation will focus on building successful coalitions across the lines of race, class and place in large and small metropolitan areas, including our own, and will offer inspiring case histories from the regional equity movement across this country.
Carl Anthony and Paloma Pavel are co-founders of the Breakthrough Communities project and major contributors to the metropolitan and the regional equity movements. Their book, Breakthrough Communities: Sustainability and Justice in the Next American Metropolis offers case studies of successful coalitions and initiatives in Detroit, New York City, San Francisco, New Orleans, Atlanta, Camden, Chicago, Los Angeles and other urban as well as rural areas.
Sponsored by Center for the Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity, the Department of Sociology, and the “Committed to Change” program
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Elan Shapiro at or (607) 592-8402. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.