Studying Abroad in Spring 2012?


Contributed by Rachel Gould

If you will be studying abroad in the winter or spring on an affiliated, non-affiliated, or exchange program, and you have not yet met an adviser in the Office of International Programs to go over required Ithaca College paperwork, please be sure to schedule an appointment ASAP. If this paperwork is not done, you may not be able to get credit or eligible financial aid for your study abroad program.

In addition to meeting with an adviser in the Office of International Programs, all students going abroad on an affiliated, non-affiliated, or exchange program must attend a series of study abroad orientations. 


All students going abroad in the Spring must attend BOTH the "Ithaca College Details" and the "Traveling Abroad" sessions.

Spring 2012 students going abroad on an exchange program, or affiliated program run by NAC&U, CC-CS, IAU, SIT, NTI, CELL, or Living Routes must also attend one of the "International Health Insurance" sessions.  Students studying with IES or on a non-affiliated program do NOT need to attend one of the health insurance sessions.

Ithaca College Details

Traveling Abroad

International Health Insurance


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Office of International Programs at or 274-3306. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

The Office of International Programs is located in the Center for Health Sciences, 214-2.  For questions or to set up an appointment, email, call 274-3306, or stop by anytime between 8:30-5:00.