Seats Open to All students in FLEFF Lab: The Microtopias Project


Contributed by Patricia Zimmermann

If thinking about and imagining and immersing in edgy new media projects is an area you'd like to explore, you might want to consider enrolling in

GCOM 12000 FLEFF LAB:  The Microtopias Project   Tues 7-9:30   Cap of 15 students. LA  3 credits

We're looking for students from all majors and schools at Ithaca College!

The FLEFF lab is the annual interdisciplinary and international innovation lab for students exploring the festival theme of Microtopias, sponsored by the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival.

It provides an opportunity for students to work in a workshop/lab setting with new media artists and theorists, learning how to enter this larger, more international media and festival world through prototyping around this year's festival theme, Microtopias. 

The lab is a unique experience which integrates theory and practice of new media in a dynamic, collaborative, think-tank like setting.  

The lab is taught by internationally recognized new media artists and theorists Claudia Pederson and Nicholas Knouf. As  experienced designers who work across the globe on new media projects and interventions, they will provoke and guide student groups through both the theories of new media and the creation of prototypes across platforms--key skill sets for the new economy of innovative entrepreneurship, bottom up practices, and artistic provocations and infiltrations.

New media artists and theorists from across the globe will be Skyped in for conversation, critique, and debate.  Pederson and Knouf will also work with student groups on strategies for placement of projects in festivals, the art world, online, social media networks, and other emerging areas of engagement. 

No computer, programming, digital, media production or theory experience necessary.  FLEFF and  The FLEFF Lab are looking for an interdisciplinary group of students from all schools and all disciplines at IC who want to experience a think tank environment to innovate new media projects exploring the festival theme with high profile artists as your coaches. 

Whether you are a first year or fourth year student, in Music, H and S, HSHP, Business or Park, this course is OPEN to you.


For more information, contact Patricia Zimmermann at

For more about FLEFF, read more here: