Dr. Mo Baptiste from the Education Department is going to Haiti again and he needs your help!


Contributed by Mo Baptiste

On January 12th 2010, the world came to a standstill at the horrific and shocking news of the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Two years later, we see very little coverage in the media about the small nation and her continuous struggle to rebound from the disaster. On the two year anniversary this coming January 5-12, 2012, I will be making my 4th trip to Haiti (since the earthquake) to continue disaster relief efforts by aiding in a long-term initiative in the form of youth education programs in the village of Croix‐des‐Bouquets and Mirbale. For this trip, I am looking to gather a large collection of school and first aid supplies to bring to the school, Ecole Shalom, located directly adjacent to the epicenter in Port au Prince, so I was hoping that you, the Ithaca College community could help in my efforts through supplies and/or monetary donation. What we are asking for is minimal, but the effect that it will have on hundreds of children is invaluable.

If you have any question you can email me at mbaptiste@ithaca.edu. You can drop off supplies or make monetary donations at Phillips Hall 194-O. I thank you in advanced.



Supplies in Need (NOTE- star indicates supplies in most need):

* Alcohol


**-Surgical masks and gloves

***-Advil, aspirin, Tylenol or generic brands etc…

-Female Hygiene products

-Athlete’s foot spray

-English Dictionaries

**Pens, pencils, paper, art supplies, notebooks, coloring books, crayons, rulers, puzzles,

*Blank white sheets of paper.

*Band-aids, cotton balls, Q-Tips, ace wrap bandage

***8 Neosporin anti-bacterial cream

*- Anti-diarrhea pills


-Toothpaste and toothbrushes

***Hand sanitizer

**Refurbished Laptop computers for the Education and Community program

