Notice for Student Employee Supervisors


Contributed by Eileen Jacobs

The final session of the New Student Employee Program for the fall semester is Thursday, December 8 at 12:15 in the Peggy R Williams Center.  If you have student employees who will be working over the winter break, and they have not worked on campus before, please make sure they attend this final session in order to complete their I-9 and payroll tax forms.  Students may sign up by going to and clicking on "New Student Employee Program."

Students need to bring proper identification to the program, or they will not be permitted to complete their paperwork, and therefore cannot begin to work.  (Proper ID is an original passport, birth certificate or social security card, and a current photo ID.) 

Students who will begin working the first week of the spring semester (and have never worked on campus before) may attend the December 8th session, or they may attend our first session of the spring semester on Tuesday, January 24th.  In either case, the hiring supervisor must enter an SMSS transaction to hire the student prior to the session.

Are you thinking about hiring a student next semester? Now is a great time to begin the process!

Please give us a call if you need any assistance.

Beth Blinn
Student Employment Manager