Wellness Wednesday This Week:  Experience the Joy of Living in 2012, presented by Vatsav Raman


Contributed by Nancy Reynolds

Start the year off right with the proper tools to achieve a positive state of mind.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Noon - 12:50 PM

Taughannock Falls Room, 3rd Floor of Campus Center

Experience the Joy of Living in 2012

Presented by Vatsav Raman, Art of Living Club, Cornell University

*Does the quality of my life depend entirely on my current situation?

*How can I lead a joyful life despite my challenges?

*What tools to I need to achieve a positive emotional state?


For the full Wellness Wednesday semester schedule, please visit the Center for Health Promotion website.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations may contact Nancy Reynolds in the Center for Health Promotion at nreynolds@ithaca.edu. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

