Career Services Announces: New York State Senate To Hold Info Session


Contributed by John Fracchia

Career Services is pleased to welcome the New York State Senate Office of Student Programs, to campus on March 6, 2012. Representatives will provide information on graduate level Fellowships and undergraduate level internships.

Use your eRecruiting account,, to reserve your seat!

For further details on any career event, please contact Career Services at, 274-3365 or 101 Muller Center. You can also like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

About The New York State Senate Office of Student Programs:
From the halls of higher-learning to the halls of the State Capitol, New York State Senate Student Programs offers undergraduate and graduate students exciting opportunities to learn about state government and to experience firsthand the legislative process.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation are asked to contact Career Services at: or 607-274-3365.