School of Music Convocation: The Language of Music


Contributed by Molly O'Shea Polk

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
10:00-10:50 AM
Ford Hall

Remarks from Dean Woodward
Faculty performance, Jennifer Hayghe
Speaker, Jim Undercofler
International student performances

School of Music Convocations are designed to bring together all music majors, staff, and faculty at Ithaca College. This convocation will be centered on the language of music-- we will enjoy performances from international students and learn the importance of how to speak about music and advocate for the arts.

Attendance is required for all music majors. Students must pick up their recital cards before the convocation, as their cards will require a special punch for this event. If students have a course scheduled outside of the School of Music at this time, they should turn in a copy of their schedules with their recital cards to be excused from this event.

About Jim Undercofler
Jim Undercofler is the consultant to the School of Music on Leadership and Entrepreneurship. Jim is the former Dean of the Eastman School of Music and President and CEO of the Philadelphia Orchestra. His current position is Professor of Arts Administration at Drexel University where he has pioneered the teaching of arts entrepreneurship. He holds a M.M. in Horn Performance from Yale University and a B.M. in Music Education from Eastman School of Music.