What can you do to maintain an ethical environment at IC? Plenty!


Contributed by Office of the President

As the new semester gets underway I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that we all have a responsibility to interact with one another according to the highest standards of business and personal ethics.

We were all witness last semester to tragic events at other universities in which a lack of action in the face of injustice appears to have caused additional suffering and also to have impugned the integrity of the university itself. These events emphasize how important it is for us all to take responsibility not only for our own actions but also for unjust behavior of which we become aware. The strength of our community rests on our willingness to shoulder a mutual obligation to create a workplace built on respect and ethical behavior.  We must hold one another accountable when we believe violations of college policy or of federal, state, or local laws may have occurred.    

Ithaca College has an Ethics and Integrity Policy that outlines our responsibilities and lists venues for reporting suspected transgressions.  Please take a moment to review the policy at https://www.ithaca.edu/ethics

There are several ways to report perceived wrongdoing. These include reporting to your immediate supervisor, reporting to an administrator you trust, or using our anonymous and independent hotline, EthicsPoint, online at https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/en/default_reporter.asp or by calling toll free at 888-274-8495.  All reports of perceived criminal, unethical or otherwise inappropriate behavior in violation of laws or College policies will be handled promptly and in a manner that protects the reporting individual from retaliation.

Everyone who works at Ithaca College, and everyone who visits our campus, should encounter a secure and respectful environment. When experience falls short of those ideals, we should each do our part to make sure the problem is identified, investigated and resolved. Please know that you have my personal support in all you do to make Ithaca College the best institution it can possibly be.

