You're Invited (update): Vendor Demonstrations for Accepting Online Payments


Contributed by Jeffrey Newhart

This is a reminder/update for last week's announcement about vendor presentations for a college-wide solution to accept online payments.  They are all set for next week although... 

... there is an update to the schedule as one of the finalists has withdrawn themselves from consideration. Nelnet will not be presenting on Monday, January 30. The rest of the schedule stands as it was. The ITS project team looks forward to participation from any staff/faculty with a vested interest in their department accepting  payments for goods and services online.

The updated vendor demonstration schedule is as follows:

Tuesday, January 31    
    Touchnet Demonstration    
    10:30am - 12pm : Technical Session  
                                ITS Job 312 Conference Room
    1:30pm - 4pm : Functional Presentation
                            Ithaca Falls Meeting Room
Wednesday, February 1    
    CASHnet Demonstration    
    10:30am - 12pm : Technical Session     
                                Ithaca Falls Meeting Room
    1:30pm - 4pm : Functional Presentation
                           Taughannock Falls Meeting Room

The team assigned to this project has gathered and evaluated information from a number of vendors offering an ePayment solution. Solutions under consideration had to include a shopping cart component and eliminate as much manual processing as possible. In preparation for the demonstrations the project team has developed a form that will assist in comparing the vendor solutions.

This is where you come in. We are asking for your help by attending the demonstrations and using the form so we may objectively choose the best ePayment solution for Ithaca College. This process works best with a more-the-merrier approach, so please seriously consider attending.

If you have any questions or comments please contact Paula Wedemeyer at 274-5111,   We look forward to your participation in this selection process.

Thank you on behalf of the ITS ePayment Project Team.