Hilary Greenberger of Physical Therapy, is the guest host of the next Faculty Show and Share on Thursday, February 2 at 3:15 pm in the CET (Job 102).
In a collaboration with ITS, 60 short instructional video podcasts were created and distributed on iTunes U to students in the Musculoskeletal Examination and Evaluation course to demonstrate dynamic techniques. Hilary will share how these clips changed the way students approach the learning process in lab and address the preferences of students regarding convenience and availability on a mobile device.
Registration is appreciated but not required since it is a small space.
She will also summarize several years of survey data on the use of these clips. The format will be a 20 minute presentation that she will be giving at a conference later this month. Anyone is welcome to come to give her feedback on her talk and to partake in the discussion.
Faculty Show and Share is a discussion series in The Center for Educational Technology. Each session features a guest faculty member who shows how they use a technology to address a teaching goal. Come hear what worked - or didn't work in a format that is informal, experimental, and fun. Discussion is encouraged and anyone is welcomed regardless of their experience with technology. Any students are welcome as well.
Spring 2012 Events
Thursday, Feb 15 12:15 - 1 :15. Catherine Taylor, Writing
Friday, March 2, 12:15 - 1:15. Jake Brenner, Environmental Studies
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Marilyn Dispensa at mdispensa@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-3647. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.