The night will begin with a wizard rock concert from 7pm to 9pm featuring wizard rock artists The Whomping Willows and Lauren Fairweather. Following the concert, there will be a DJ and dance from 9pm to midnight. Two events, one ticket!
Ticket Prices:
$10 during tabling
$12 at the door
There will be raffles, Butterbeer, and a Honeydukes corner.
Raffle tickets are $1 each and Butterbeer costs 2 raffle tickets.
We will be tabling February 6 through the 10th from 10am to 3pm in Campus Center. You can also purchase you tickets online here.
What is the Harry Potter Alliance?
The IC Harry Potter Alliance is a chapter of a national non-profit organization of the same name. We use the popular books by JK Rowling to inspire people to get involved with social activism campaigns.
Last year we collected books to donate to Books through Bars and Autumn Leaves. We also collected hundreds of signitures for the national HPA’s ongoing campaign, “Not in Harry’s Name” to encourage Warner Bros to make all Harry Potter trademarked candy fair trade.
This summer we won the national HPA and Splashlife's Imagine Better contest for a $1000 grant, making this event possible.
What is the Finger Lakes Land Trust?
The FLLT is a nonprofit organization that works to protect the region's wetlands, forests, farmland, grassland, and gorges. Learn more about them here:
Where do the proceeds go?
Half the proceeds will be used to help us fund future social justice campaigns.
The other half will be donated to the Finger Lakes Land Trust.
Need to contact us? Email us at!
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Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Monica Watson at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.