IC Is Going To Philly!!!


Contributed by Melinda Butler

Sunday, February 26

 Leave from campus at 7:30am and return around 11pm

 Fee is $20

Trip Includes:

Bus there and back,  Breakfast, and  Entrance to the National Musuem of American Jewish History (going to the museum is optional)

Registration is Mandatory

For more information and to register go to Facebook and search IC Hillel

Questions??  Contact:  Becca Lewis  rlewis3@ithaca.ed    Molly Sauer  msauer1@ithaca.edu  or  Jason Kleban jkleban1@ithaca.edu


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Michael Faber at faber@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-3323. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

