Vector Marketing Corporation - Career Information Session, Wednesday in Career Services


Contributed by Kristin LiBritz

During the Vector Information Session, you'll learn about the company's values and history as well as the benefits of a Direct Marketing Program.  Career opportunities with Vector are geared towards those who want to develop entrepreneurial skills, communication skills and the ability to execute a successful business plan.

Vector Marketing Corporation™ is a single-level direct sales firm that markets Cutco Cutlery®, a line of kitchen cutlery, accessories and sporting knives of the highest quality.  Learn about sales opportunities with Vector during their information session and visit their table at the Job & Internship Fair.

Learn about Vector's Student Work Opportunities during their career information session. 

Wednesday, February 22
12:00 p.m.
Career Services

Reserve your seat using your eRecruiting account (walk-ins will be accomodated pending available space).

You can also meet the Vector recruiter during the Job & Intership Fair on Wednesday from 1-4pm in Emerson Suites.

For more information or to request special accommodation, contact Career Services at