Call for presentations for 2012 AASHE conference now open


Contributed by Marian Brown

The call for presentation abstracts for the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) is now open. Abstracts will be accepted until April 23rd. This year’s AASHE conference, titled “Investing in the Future”, will take place October 14-17, 2012 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The conference, which is expected to draw more than 2,000 participants, will draw together a diverse group of campus representatives, from faculty to sustainability officers, presidents to students, to examine the complexity and challenges of sustainability within urban, suburban, rural and international campuses.

Conference presentations will explore the collaborations necessary to approach the campus as a living, learning laboratory for sustainability education, measuring the true values of sustainability, and the necessity for ownership from a diverse group in order to set ideas into action. AASHE 2012 will offer a multi-strand approach where attendees will have the choice to follow one strand or to jump from one strand to another during the duration of the event. These concurrent Session Strands are defined as:   

 AASHE offers this additional information about abstracts: Any presentation submitted with a core focus on social justice and diversity, affordability and access, and arts and culture will receive special consideration.

Access the complete AASHE conference abstract submitters packet