You Know Who Aren't Registered to Vote? Lame People.


Contributed by Robert Flaherty

Yes, we realize that the intercom email title for this wasn't grammatically correct. Whatever. Anyway.

Who said bi-partisanship was dead? IC Democrats and IC Republicans are teaming up to register as many voters as possible. It's quick, it's easy, and it ensure that you can be a part of the process, too! We'll be in the Campus Center lobby from 10-3 PM on March 5-9th.


Members from both orgs will give you information on how to join either group, register to vote either at home or in Ithaca, and will talk about politics (politely, we promise!. So come, get registered, or just hang out!

 Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Rob Flaherty at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.