Leave a legacy. Make a difference. Become a teacher.
Who doesn’t have a story about that extraordinary teacher who “turned us on” to a new subject, unlocking potential and creating experiences, self-knowledge and expectations that have lasted throughout life?
“Pay it forward” by becoming a teacher and unlock the potential of young minds waiting to be challenged. There are few other professions that foster creativity, develop character, and provide individuals with the skills they need to reach their potential and lead satisfying, productive lives.
And, in just one year you can receive your master's degree in either Childhood or Adolescence Education and be certified to teach in New York state.
Listen to what grads of the program have to say: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w83GG24GcfU&feature=youtu.be.
For more information, contact Professor Linda Hanrahan, lhanrahan@ithaca.edu or at 274-3147, or stop by the Department of Education, Phillips Annex 194 between the Bookstore and the Career Services Office.
Let them know you saw this Intercom announcement.