Mandatory Relay For Life Team Captains' Meeting TONIGHT!


Contributed by Coty Wardwell

The 2nd Relay For Life Team Captains' Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 from 6:00 to 7:00pm in Textor 103 at Ithaca College. All team captains should attend this meeting to get important information regarding Relay For Life. We will be revealing the Relay For Life timeline of events, discussing what your team should bring to Relay, as well as other event logistics, and there will be CANDY!


At Relay, all food and fundraising events are paid for using Relay Bucks. You can change your cash or card into Relay Bucks at the registration desk. If you attend this meeting, you will receive TWO FREE RELAY BUCKS!

PIZZA CHALLENGE REMINDER: The team who raises the most money before Relay on March 31st will receive FREE PIZZA at Relay! Stop by the Team Captains' Meeting on 3/21 to learn about various ways to collect donations.

EMAIL CHALLENGE: Didn't collect $50 by March 5th to earn your free Relay t-shirt? Whichever RFL participant sends the most emails asking for donations through the Participant Center on the Ithaca College RFL website will win a FREE Colleges Against Cancer SHIRT! We have a variety of shirts including "Check your Boo-Bees - Bee a Part of the Cure," "Treasure Your Chest," and "Want to spend the night with me?"

There will also be a mandatory meeting for any team that would like to have a table or on-site fundraiser at Relay directly after the Team Captains' Meeting on 3/21 from 7:00-8:00pm in Textor 103. If your team or club would like to have a table at Relay, send an email to and attend this meeting!

If you cannot attend these meetings, please feel free to encourage one or more of your teammates to attend and get the information.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.