Ray Krone, an exonerated death row inmate, will be giving a talk about his experience Wednesday, March 21st, at 7:30 pm in Textor 102. The event is free and open to the public.
Krone faced the death penalty and a twenty-one year term of imprisonment for a murder he did not commit. After being convicted in 1992, he served over ten years in prison before DNA testing revealed the identity of the real perpetrator. Krone was released and exonerated of all charges in 2002.
Sheri Johnson, professor at Cornell Law School and co-founder of Cornell's Death Penalty Project, will introduce Krone at his talk this Wednesday.
This event is funded by SGA.
The event is sponsored by IC Human Rights. To stay updated on us or join the conversation about the death penalty and other human rights topics, join us every Thursday at 7:30 pm in Friends 207.
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Individuals with disabilities seeking accommodations should contact Nate Crider at ncrider1@ithaca.edu or Gena Mangiaratti at gmangia1@ithaca.edu. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.