Interested in Going to Hawaii January 2013?! Pre-req class offered Fall 2012


Contributed by Brooke Hansen

The Anthropological Experience in Hawaii field class (ANTH 38100; 3 credits) will be offered during winter intersession (Dec. 27, 2012-Jan. 12, 2013). Anthropology of Hawaii (ANTH 28100) is the prerequisite course (fall 2012; Thurs. 5:25-8:05pm; CRN 23106)


The Anthropological Experience in Hawaii field class engages students in experiential and service learning in the islands of Hawaii (Oahu, Big Island). The course takes an anthropological approach in understanding issues such as cultural resource management, environmental preservation, Native Hawaiian culture and history, migration, multiculturalism and the impact of tourism. Counts towards the Native American Studies minor. Instructors: Jack Rossen & Brooke Hansen. For more info: