Using a Smartboard to Encourage Interactivity in Lessons, April 2 (Faculty Show & Share)


Contributed by Marilyn Dispensa

The guest presenter for this Faculty Show and Share session is Ari Kissiloff, Strategic Communication.

Time: Monday, April 2, 12:05 - 12:50 PM
Place: PARK 228 (Park School of Communications)
You may bring your lunch.
Registration is appreciated

A Smart Board is an interactive whiteboard that displays like a projector on a screen but uses touch detection for user input.  Ari will demonstrate the tools and ways he has used it this semester.  The audience will have a chance to play and brainstorm ways this technology can be used to create more interactivity in the classroom.

Faculty Show and Share is a series put on by the Center for Educational Technology. Each session features a guest faculty member who shows how they use a technology to address a teaching goal. Come hear what worked - or didn't work in a format that is informal, experimental, and fun.  Discussion is encouraged and anyone is welcomes regardless of their experience with technology.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Marilyn Dispensa at or (607) 274-3647. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Image by Dubsar Public Relations Spain.

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