FYE Mixed Media contest winner for March is.......


Contributed by Joelle Albertsman

Alexis Lanza, class of 2015, who is a Film, Photography, and Visual Arts Major, is our FYE Mixed Media contest winner for March!  CONGRATULATIONS, ALEXIS!

March was our "Lucky Moments" themed contest.


FYE features a different theme every month for our Mixed Media contest!  This contest is for our first-year students!  Show us why IC is special to you through any medium, ie: photos, videos, poetry, short story, art work, etc.  Your first year at IC goes by so fast, and we encourage you to document it every step of the way!Submit the medium of your choosing for a chance to win a $20 Downtown Ithaca gift card!  Keep an eye out for our posters all over campus!


1) Each month will feature a different theme and will run from the first day of the month through the last day of the month.  The contest exception is May which will end on the last day of classes instead of the last day of the month.

2) Each submission should be from a first-year student and should include the following:
    - your submission in the medium of your choosing and must speak to the theme of that month.
    - your name, major, and graduation year
    - please specify the theme and month of your submission in your email

3) Materials should be submitted to fye@ithaca.edu and should reach our email account no later than 5pm on the last day of the month to be considered for that month.  You may submit as many different forms of work in each month as you wish.

4) By submitting your work, you automatically give FYE permission to use your name and submissions in our promotional printed materials, and/or our FYE website, and/or our social networks, unless otherwise specified in your email upon submission.

5) Each person who submits work will have their name entered into our raffle drawing of a $20 Downtown Ithaca gift card for every medium of work submitted.  There will be one winner each month.

6) Each theme is open to interpretation, and encourages creativity!  However, we reserve the right to disqualify any submission that we deem inappropriate by our standards and the students name will not be entered into the drawing.


