Beginning Summer 2012, ITS will begin deploying Windows 7 and Mac OS X Lion (10.7) on newly-installed computers.
Windows 7: Public labs WILL REMAIN AT WINDOWS XP; all other newly-installed PC systems, including eClassrooms, will come with the Windows 7 operating system.
Mac OS X Lion: All newly-installed Apple computers, including public labs and eClassrooms, will be delivered with the Mac OS X Lion operating system.
ITS will verify that the standard software bundled installed on college computers is compatible with the new operating systems. If you use older, specialty applications please verify with the manufacturer that your software is compatible with the new operating systems.
At this time, ITS is focusing on deploying the new operating systems on newly-installed computers and has not yet determined a process for upgrading existing Windows XP or Mac OS 10.5/10.6 systems. ITS is in the process of developing user training and documentation so look for additional Intercom stories regarding the new operating systems.
ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall