Occupational Therapy Clinic Open House


Contributed by Mary Buehler

Are you curious about the Clinics in Occupational Therapy at Ithaca College?

Come to the OT Clinic Open House on Friday April 20th from 11-1PM in the OT/PT Clinic on the 4th floor of CHS. This event is open to all Occupational Therapy, Pre-professional and Exploratory students...or any students considering OT.

For pictures from past Open Houses, check the our Occupational Therapy Graduate Facebook page!

Questions? Please contact Jessica Valdez Taves (jtaves@ithaca.edu) or Amie Germain (agermain@ithaca.edu)

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Mary Buehler at mbuehler@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-1970. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

