Do you like ice cream and human rights? Join IC Human Rights for ice cream + good conversation this Thursday!


Contributed by Gena Mangiaratti

IC Human Rights will be having ice cream as we discuss free trade at this week's meeting. Even if you haven't been to a meeting before, join us for ice cream and good conversation on April 19 at 7:30 pm in Friends 207!

You may remember us from past events such as F to (e)Mbody, a campus touring performance that aims to bring trans-art and visibility to college campuses, the "LiNK" (Liberty in North Korea) Film Screening of "Hiding," which delves into the refugee crisis in China and the history of the North Korean government, and most recently, a talk by Exonerated Death Row Inmate Ray Krone.

If you were intrigued by any of these events, now is still a great time to get involved with the club behind them!

IC Human Rights is an organization dedicated to spreading education and activism regarding human rights conflicts on an international and local level. 

 Questions or comments? Contact us at

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Individuals with disabilities seeking accommodations should contact Nate Crider at or Gena Mangiaratti at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.