The most fun you will have on a bike - Bike Olympics!


Contributed by Lauren Goldberg

In honor of National Bike Month, and to celebrate the end of finals week, join the Bomber Bike Initiative in our first, most silly bicycle riding competition: BIKE OLYMPICS!

Where: IC Parking Lot Y (across from the main entrance of the school)

When: Thursday, May 10th @ 4:30-6:30 pm

Bike Olympics will be a series of 5 events, both silly and challenging - so put your game faces on for a good time! No experience or special bike skills necessary. Even if you don't have a bike, come and we'll share bikes! Both teams and individual competitors encouraged to join. Awards will be given for teams and individuals with the most spirit as well as competition winners.

We'll meet at 4:30 in the parking lot across 96B from the main entrance of Ithaca College, and friendly competition will start around 5. 

We will also have a FOLD-UP ELECTRIC BICYCLE for all to test run for potential to use in the future bike share program! Come take a ride and tell us what you think! 

Bomber Bike Initiative "Nice Rack" T-shirts will be available to purchase for $15! All proceeds go to help the BBI improve bike infrastructure on IC's campus!

Bring your friends and celebrate bikes with us!!

Contact for more info. Check out our Facebook page for the event:

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Lauren Goldberg at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.