Tenure & Promotion File Reviewer's Workshop proceedings now available.


Contributed by Michael Buck

If you were unable to attend the recent workshop for Tenure & Promotion file reviewer's that was held on April 26, 2012 proceedings from the event are now available on iTunesU.

An audio recording podcast and a PDF of the Powerpoint slides are now available on iTunes U at the Center for Faculty Excellence link.  Please click on the T&P Reviewers Workshop" tab and you will find a link to download both the podcast and the PDF document.  This workshop was presented by Nancy Pringle, Vice President and General Counsel/Secretary to the Board of Trustees and Michael Richardson, Past Member of the College T & P Committee.  The intent of this workshop was to provide a discussion of the Tenure and Promotion Review Process designed specifically for individuals responsible for the review of tenure and promotion files.

Ithaca iTunes U login page can be accessed by clicking here.

