Margie Arnold (HSHP) Co-Authors New Book on Human Resource Management, Mary Tomaselli (HR) Contributes Chapter


Contributed by Heather Hedges

Margaret Arnold, Ph.D., Associate Dean for the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance, is lead author of a textbook entitled "Human Resource Management in Recreation, Sport, and Leisure Services".

Mary Tomaselli, Director of Employee and Organizational Development, Office of Human Resources, is credited for contributing a chapter on Training and Development.

This textbook aims to prepares students—whether they intend to work in commercial recreation, therapeutic recreation, outdoor recreation, governmental recreation, youth services, sports management, or event planning—with a solid foundation for human resource management. Theory and practice are combined to assist students in gaining a greater understanding of the many complexities they will encounter in the workplace.

Arnold's co-authors include Cheryl Beeler from Florida State University, and Regina Glover from Southern Illinois University.