Email Changes for All Users Starting June 11th


Contributed by Karen Compton

As previously announced in Intercom and direct emails, all faculty, staff, student and departmental email accounts will be moving to Microsoft Live@edu as of Monday, June 11, 2012. The new system will provide a reliable, robust email and calendar system (the calendar phase will be implemented in the coming months), including 10 GB of email storage.

The upcoming changes affect everyone who uses the Ithaca College email system (even if your email is forwarded to an account on another system), so please read this information carefully. Complete details about steps that users need to take are available at under the Email Migration section. ITS recommends that you bookmark the link in your Web browser so that the instructions are available to you after cutover. These steps will not work before the cutover.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience as this important project moves forward.

ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall