Email Changes for All Users Starting June 11th
Contributed by Karen Compton
As previously announced in Intercom and direct emails, all faculty, staff, student and departmental email accounts will be moving to Microsoft Live@edu as of Monday, June 11, 2012. The new system will provide a reliable, robust email and calendar system (the calendar phase will be implemented in the coming months), including 10 GB of email storage.
The upcoming changes affect everyone who uses the Ithaca College email system (even if your email is forwarded to an account on another system), so please read this information carefully. Complete details about steps that users need to take are available at under the Email Migration section. ITS recommends that you bookmark the link in your Web browser so that the instructions are available to you after cutover. These steps will not work before the cutover.
- In preparation for the move to the new system, users will not have access to Ithaca College email from approximately 5:00 PM on Friday, June 8th - 8:00 AM on Monday, June 11th (that's this coming weekend!). Email sent to IC accounts during the cutover will be "held" and delivered to accounts on the new system after cutover.
- After cutover, the old email system will no longer be available for any users.
- The first step for ALL USERS to access the new system will be to log in to myHome to perform some initial set up steps for their new account on Live@edu.
- Users who access their email through myHome can begin using the new Outlook Web App (OWA) system immediately after the initial set up. See the Outlook Web App guide.
- Users of email programs like Thunderbird or Apple Mail must also make configuration changes within their email program in order to access email on the new system. See the Thunderbird and Apple Mail guides.
- All users who access their email on a mobile device must also make configuration changes on the device in order to access email on the new system. See the Mobile Devices guide.
- If you forward your email to an account on another system (i.e. Gmail) you must verify that your forwarding address is correct in the new system (instructions provided in each guide referenced above).
- These changes affect all departmental email accounts as well as all individual accounts.
- Majordomo mailing lists are not affected by these changes in any way.
- Oracle Calendar users, please note that Outlook Web App offers the Outlook Calendar feature. If you currently use Oracle Calendar, DO NOT use the Calender function in OWA at this time. In the coming months ITS will provide more details about transitioning from Oracle Calendar to Outlook Calendar.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience as this important project moves forward.
ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall