"Cortaca" trademark now co-owned by Ithaca College and SUNY Cortland


Contributed by Rachel Reuben

Ithaca College and SUNY Cortland, participants for 53 years in the annual Cortaca Jug football game, have become co-owners of the registered trademark “Cortaca” and partners in a trademark and licensing program for the “biggest little game in the nation.”

Over the summer both schools will be announcing the details of this new trademark and licensing program for Cortaca. Information sessions and meetings with key campus groups will be scheduled for the fall in anticipation of this year’s game, which will be held on November 10 at the SUNY Cortland Stadium Complex.

If you have any questions until the formal program is announced later this summer, please contact Mike Warwick, sports information director, at mwarwick@ithaca.edu or call 274-3397.


