Michael Twomey, Charles A. Dana Professor of Humanities and Arts, has published an essay about Robert Wedderburn’s Complaynt of Scotland (1550) in a Festschrift for Alasdair A. MacDonald, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
Titled “Pastoral Encyclopedism in The Complaynt of Scotland’s ‘Monologue Recreative,’” the essay explores Wedderburn’s political and moral adaptation of the literary convention of the learned shepherd lecturing his companions on astronomy, meteorology, and the liberal arts. Wedderburn wrote the Complaynt in the wake of the Scottish defeat at the battle of Pinkie Cleugh (1547) by the English. With his two brothers, Wedderburn is known for the hymn collection Gude and Godlie Ballatis (1567). The Festschrift, edited by Prof. Luuk Houwen, University of Bochum, Germany, is titled Literature and Religion in Late Medieval and Early Modern Scotland (Leuven/Paris/Walpole MA: Peeters, 2012).