Dr. Shewanee Howard-Baptiste and Dr. Mo Baptiste have been selected to present at the Haitian-American Caucus, Teacher Summer Institute Conference on July 9th-20th.
The conference, Collaboration, Application, and Celebration: Transformative Education for a Brighter Haiti (Seminè Kole-Zepòl, Teyori-Pratik, Selebrasyon: Enstriksyon pou chanjman, pou yon Ayiti pi vivab) will take place in Croix-de-Bouquet, Haiti. The Teacher Summer Institute is an annual training program where local Haitian teachers and American teachers engage in dialogue in order to learn from each other and build relationships. The seminar provides a space to exchange ideas on contemporary and applicable education practices. The ultimate goal of the conference is for American and Haitian educators to come together and gain insights to better prepare their students for a global world.
Dr. Shewanee Howard-Baptiste, Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education, developed and will present at two workshops entitled, “W.O.M.E.N.: Working On Multiple Events Now” and “Health Education in Haiti: Intergrading culture Across the Curriculum.”
Dr. Baptiste, Assistant Professor in the Department of Education is the co-coordinator and Keynote speaker for the conference. His presentation is entitled “Critical Education + Critical Action = A New Liberated and Empowered Haiti: You do the Math!”