Please mark your calendar for the All College Meeting for all faculty and staff on Thursday, August 23, from 9-11 a.m. in the Emerson Suites.
We will focus this meeting on how Ithaca College plans to respond to the growing competitive pressures in higher education generally, and specifically to the increasing burden of college cost on our students and their families. We face no bigger issues in higher education today. Ithaca College has the opportunity to be a leader in developing answers, but we will be successful only if we all do our part.
As in the past, we will serve a light breakfast of coffee, tea, juice, bagels and fruit. To advance our commitment to sustainability, please bring your own mug for coffee or tea.
Faculty and staff members will, as always, be invited to ask questions or offer comments, both at microphones and via written questions placed in the designated box located near the entry to the Emerson Suites. Following the presentation portion of the meeting, we will address any questions not already covered.
Individual with disabilities requiring accommodations (including sign language interpreting), should contact the Office of the President at 274-3111 or 274-1767 (TDD). Requests for accommodations should be made as far in advance as possible.
Supervisors – please post this message for employees without email or computer access, and make the opportunity to attend available to the greatest extent possible. Offices may be closed or phones forwarded during the two hours of this important meeting.
Please plan to attend.