Anthony Di Renzo, associate professor of writing, will publish a historical novel about the Italian Revolution.
Guernica Editions, an independent press in Toronto, Ontario, has acceptedTrinàcria: A Tale of Bourbon Sicily. Like Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa's The Leopard, Trinàcria chronicles the destruction of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies during the Risorgimento. The book will be released on November 2, 2013.
Set in 18th and 19th century Palermo, Naples, and London, this historical novel revolves around Zita Valanguerra Spinelli (1794-1882), Marchesa of Scalea, notorious beauty, ferocious wit, secret murderer, and reluctant businesswoman, whose turbulent life mirrors her world’s rocky transition from feudalism to capitalism.
Because Guernica's government funding does not extend to non-Canadian authors, the Italian Cultural Foundation at Casa Belvedere is sponsoring an online campaign to pay for the book's design, production, promotion, and distribution. Learn more about this campaign and see a promotional video at:
The campaign ends December 13, 2012.