The Office of Judicial Affairs is currently seeking Staff and Faculty Justices for the 2012-2013 academic year.


Contributed by Colleen Barnes

The position calls for members of the Ithaca College Staff and Faculty to serve as justices for Ithaca College Conduct Review Board and Conduct Appeal Board hearings. These Conduct Boards are charged with the responsibility of protecting and enforcing the rules and regulations set down in the Ithaca College Student Conduct Code's "Statement of Responsibilities." The Conduct Review Board and Appeal Board hear cases of alleged academic and non-academic misconduct by Ithaca College students. The Board will determine if a student should be found responsible for the charge(s) he/she allegedly violated, and if found responsible, impose judicial sanctions that range from written warning to expulsion from the College.

Some of the personal qualities expected for all student, staff and faculty justices include:

    A. Strong interpersonal skills (listening skills, communication skills, assertiveness, etc.)

    B. The ability to think clearly and to identify and articulate timely and effective questions during the course of a hearing.

    C. Ability to evaluate the facts of a case and come to an objective decision.

     D. Ability to function well in a group.

     E. Ability to maintain confidentiality and discretion.

     F. Positive role model for the Ithaca College community.

     G. Genuine interest in and commitment to the position.

One year of service at Ithaca College is recommended to ensure that the staff or faculty member has a working knowledge of the College system and organization, but this is not a requirement. Staff and Faculty justices can expect to be asked to serve on a hearing probably no more than twice during a given semester. When a Board hearing does take place, a staff or faculty justice should be prepared for a process that could require a time commitment of 1 to 3 hours.

If you are interested in becoming a staff or faculty justice, email by September 7, 2012.

In addition, we are seeking faculty and staff members to volunteer for an advisor position for students involved in cases of an alleged sexual assault. The advisors will be part of a pool available to alleged survivors and alleged perpetrators as they go through the Conduct Review Board process. The advisors will be able to offer support and direction for a student throughout the process including attendance at the Conduct Review Board hearing. There will be a special training session for those interested sometime during the month of September. The date and time will be determined based on the availability of the staff from the Advocacy Center.    Please contact Mike Leary, Assistant Director of Judicial Affairs at 274-3375 or by Friday, September 7, 2012 if you are interested in being an advisor for the upcoming academic year or have questions about the position.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Office of Judicial Affairs at 607-274-3375 or email . We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.