Meet with a Human Resources professional on Thursday or Friday to get advice on your resume (and maybe other career tips, too).
Sign up in eRecruiting for a :15 resume review appointment, currently available in the afternoon on Thursday 9/6 or Friday 9/7. Make sure you bring a printed copy of your resume with you. We'll have two Human Resources professionals in the office, one from the Ithaca City School District and one from Quintiles (a global biopharmaceutical services company). You may sign up to meet with either professional, regardless of your major and career interest.
To sign up, follow these steps:
1. Login to eRecruiting (, using your IC e-mail address and student ID number
2. Upload your resume (select the documents tab on the toolbar near the top of your homepage), if you don't already have one in eRecruiting
3. Search for "resume" in the keyword option or search for "Ithaca College Career Services" as the employer.
4. Apply to the "Resume Reviews with Local HR Professionals" job by clicking 'apply' at the end of the position description, attaching your uploaded resume, and selecting a resume review time on the interview schedule.
Resume reviews are also available daily in Career Services during our drop-in hours (noon-4:30 Monday-Friday).
For assistance signing up for a resume review, please contact Career Services at or 607-274-3365.