Below are the six simple steps that an organization must take in order to request funds from SGA:
1. Become a registered student organization through OSEMA
-Registration is occurring now! To get more information on the registration process, click here.
2. Attend a Funding 101 Session
-ALL treasurers must attend a Funding 101 Session in order for their organization(s) to be considered for funds from SGA.
3. Prepare a Budget Proposal
-Itemized spreadsheet outlining:
-Operation Costs
-Programming Costs
-Travel Event Costs
-Fundraising Costs
-Spreadsheet templates can be found here!
4. Submit a Funding Request
-Online form that must be completed in order to be considered to receive funds
-Provide general organizational information
-Provide rationale as to why your organization is requesting the funds in question
-Upload your Budget Proposal
-Schedule (or defer) an appointment with the Appropriations Committee
-The Funding Request site can be found here beginning September 19 at 10 AM
5. Submit an Advisor Approval
-A comprehensive email outlining the submitted Funding Request
-These emails are generated and delivered to the advisor automatically after a Funding Request is submitted
-The organization treasurer is automatically notified once an advisor submits their Advisor Approval online
6. Attend an Appropriations Committee meeting
-Dates: Every Wednesday evening (unless noted otherwise)
-Time: 7:00 PM-11:00 PM
-Location: Cayuga Lake Meeting Room
If you have any further questions or are in need of any accommodations, feel free to email the Vice President of Business & Finance, Robert Hohn, at