Lis Maurer, program director of the Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Education, Outreach, Services, coauthored a recently published teaching lesson in a new anthology that covers the complex and changing world of sexual safety.
The lesson, "How Could That Be? A Lesson About Identity, Behavior, Perception, & Risk" is included in the new two volume anthology Teaching Safer Sex. The lesson assists learners in exploring common assumptions as compared to what research actually reveals regarding adolescents, unintended pregnancy, behavior, and sexual orientation and gender identity.
Maurer, L. & Kelly, M. How Could That Be? A Lesson About Identity, Behavior, Perception, & Risk. (2012). In Taverner, Milstein & Montfort (Eds.), Teaching Safer Sex, Third Edition (Vol. 2, pp. 171-177). Morristown NJ: The Center for Family Life Education.