Reminder: Mail Services Not to be Used for Personal Mail


Contributed by Karen Serbonich

This is a reminder that Ithaca College Policy 2.1.4 states that “only items pertaining to College business may be sent through the campus mail system.”

Personal packages should be sent to your home address. The Mail Service department should not be expected to handle, sort and send notifications for personal packages. Some examples of this include cell phones and/or accessories, personal book orders, wine orders, LTD and other miscellaneous packages that are not business related. This does not apply to Resident Directors. 

This policy applies to outgoing mail as well, so effective with this notice, Mail Services will no longer be collecting personal stamped outgoing mail from departments. All personal mail may be dropped off at the following locations: Phillips Hall Post Office, mail collection box outside Campus Center, mail collection box across from Sub Connection in the Towers Concourse, or left at your home address for your mail courier to pick up. 

Additionally, outgoing pre-paid personal parcels must be dropped off at the Phillips Hall Post Office from 8:30am - 2:30pm or the Mail Center from 8:30am-3:15pm.

Should you have any questions please contact Karen Serbonich at 274-3332 or Robert Cree at 274-3852.